Kenny Kenny

How to connect via SSH to your account

Posted April 7th, 2017    21183   5   ssh putty windows

Windows Users

SSH to your account with Putty

  1. Download PuTTY from here
  2. Install PuTTY.
  3. Run PuTTY which should be found in your Start menu.
  4. In the hostname field, enter your server hostname (ex. You can find your server hostname in your activation email or in your service details in your client area.
  5. In the port field, use the SSH port listed in your account details
  6. Click Open


  7. You will be asked for your username. Enter your seedbox username.

  8. Then you will be asked for your password. Enter your seedbox password. Please note that when you enter the password, you will see nothing being typed. This is normal and it is a security precaution.

  9. If you entered your details correctly, you will be greeted with a welcome message and your account shell ready to accept any commands.

Mac or Linux Users

SSH to your account with Terminal

Openssh is builtin in Linux and Mac operating systems, so all you have to do in order to ssh to your account is

  1. Open the Terminal application in your operating system
  2. Type the command (substitute the username, SSH_PORT, with your account username and your account's ssh port that you can see in your seedbox details in your client area) :

    ssh [email protected] -p SSH_PORT

  3. You will be asked for your password. Enter your seedbox password. Please note that when you enter the password, you will see nothing being typed. This is normal and it is a security precaution.

  4. If you entered your details correctly, you will be greeted with a welcome message and your account shell ready to accept any commands.

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