Kylo Kylo

How to setup Couchpotato

Posted April 7th, 2017    8261   0   how to coutchpotato
  1. Install Couchpotato from within your client area

  2. After the installation completes and you Go to application for the first time, the couchpotato setup wizard will appear


  3. In the General section, under the Basics, all you need is to fill in the Username and Password for your Couchpotato web interface. Please make sure you do this step or else anyone will be able to access your Couchpotato. Leave the Port as is.


  4. In the Downloaders you can connect your Couchpotato with your torrent client. Just click on the torrent client you are currently using and fill in the settings as provided below:

NOTE: The following settings are pre-configured.


  • Rpc Url: /RPC2
  • Username: Your seedbox username
  • Password: Your seedbox password



  • Username: Your seedbox username
  • Password: Your seedbox password
  • Host: {YOUR_ SEEDBOX_ USERNAME}{YOUR_ DELUGE_ DAEMON_ PORT} (You can find this info in your client area under Torrent Client Info)


  • Rpc Url: transmission
  • Username: Your seedbox username
  • Password: Your seedbox password
  • Host: http://{YOUR_ SERVER} (You can find this info in your client area under Torrent Client Info)

5. For the rest of the sections fill in according to your needs. You can always change those settings later from within your Couchpotato interface if you happen to forget something. After you are done just click that big green button at the bottom of the page and you are set!

For more information please visit the official Couchpotato website.

Finally, the "Show Advanced" button on the upper right corner will allow for more options for the user to appear underneath each application.

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