Kenny Kenny

Which torrent client should i choose ?

Posted April 7th, 2017    16886   0   torrent client deluge rtorrent transmission getting started

We currently support all major torrent client for our slots. Below we will mention the pros and cons of each one:

Rtorrent (+rutorrent)

Rtorrent is the most popular client, our default torrent client, and along with Deluge, the best option for a seedbox. Rutorrent is a frontend for rtorrent that we use.

Rtorrent Pros

  • Very lightweight
  • Full featured
  • Nice web gui
  • Supports RSS feeds
  • Very stable, almost never crashes
  • Native on linux
  • Many nice plugins for rutorrent that extend functionality (filemanager etc)
  • You can use ntorrent or Transdroid (for android phones) to remotely control the client from your desktop computer or android cell phone

Rtorrent Cons

  • It has not a native GUI, so you can only use it from within a browser (or via command line if you are a friend of the terminal)
  • Rutorrent (webgui) is almost 90% javascript based, so it is a little bit heavy to load on a browser. However 99% of the time you will not notice it.


Full featured and lightweight will cover all your needs, while it is very easy to learn for beginners.

Deluge Pros

  • Beautiful web gui, surely the most polished of all clients
  • Very stable and quite lightweight
  • Full featured
  • Almost never crashes
  • Native on linux
  • Better performance than rtorrent

Deluge Cons

  • Does not support RSS feeds
  • Does not have an embedded filemanager


A nice, but not so lightweight client.

Transmission Pros

  • Full featured
  • The web gui is compatible with mobile devices, although it is difficult to handle many files.
  • Native on Linux

Transmission Cons

  • It is not so lightweight
  • Not easy to handle many files, because of the way its GUI is designed
  • Does not perform as well as Deluge and rtorrent

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