Amministratore Amministratore

Can I use a folder on my Google Team Drive as default download directory for rTorrent?

Posted August 8th, 2022    481   0   rtorrent Team Drive Google seedbox torrent client Folder default Download

Hi, I noticed the "default download directory" option in rTorrent and I was wondering if a folder on a cloud service like Goolge Drive could be used instead. Thank you in advance for your support

2 Replies


Even if we allowed it, you should really avoid it as a) the download/upload speeds would be crippled and most importantly b) there would be too many API calls which might result in limits imposed by Google up to bans if done repeatedly.

The best way is to download locally at your seedbox and use sonarr3/radarr apps to automatically post-process and move that (final) content towards your Gdrive, or use seedbucket and manually move it to your destination of your choice.

Tip: If you don't care about seeding the torrent and if that torrent already comes unpacked, you could navigate to your Google path via seedbucket and click the New -> Download button at the top right corner.
At the modal, just drag 'n' drop the torrent and hit the next button. It will download it at a temporary folder at your seedbox and automatically move it to that path.
You can also check our blog for more information here


Ok, thank you, I'll try the options you listed.