drtrdr23 drtrdr23

gdrive offload script

Posted February 14th, 2022    787   1  

I cant find a tutorial for a gdrive offload scrip is it still possible?

4 Replies


Yes that it is still possible, just open a support ticket from your client area requesting that and we will take care of it. Just make sure that you create the rclone config (if it is other than the rclone installed mount) once you SSH to your seedbox and also tell us the source and destination paths.

Note: The new rclone mount implementation rendered the offload script obsolete, since it does better management on the API calls due to caching. It is strongly suggest to use the new way instead of the offload script.


What do you mean it renders it obsolete how would to set that up to transfer files to gdrive then? I thought you had to set up a ssh scrip and make a cron job to copy files to drive.


I was referring to the old tutorial (google integration into plex with an extra section for how to install the offload script). That tutorial went obsolete. As for how files are being now automatically transferred to your mount -either Google or Dropbox- (or any other drive that is supported by rclone - just create the config if this is the case, send us a support ticket and we will handle the rest. No need to do that if you use Google or Dropbox), you should check out our blog and our new tutorials at the main community page.

You basically set your sonarr3/radarr apps (and any other app) towards your mount which is found at "/home/user/mounts/rclone/" and all new content placed there will be automatically uploaded (plus you can now import your mount library into all these apps), no need to use an offload script. In case you are wondering, a local file cache (located in your seedbox) is being used to speedup the performance of the mount and minimize the API calls to the Google drive API.

If you still use the old way, this is totally fine, you can continue doing so plus install the rclone mount too so other apps can access the mount.


Thanks for the reply I think I am going to try the new way and get rid of upload script.