shinykun shinykun

iptv on plex

Posted September 4th, 2019    2047   0  

Hello, is it possible to install iptv on plex?

i succeed installing on a local plex. i can't use it on remote (like on seedboxes)

2 Replies


its possible to do it but its pretty primitive at the moment. would be nice if had support for emby

Any chance you could detail what you did to get it working? Ive tried a few plugins now and they don't seem to show up on Plex for me.

The solution is xTeVe (application manager m3u / epg). Plex recognizes it as if it were a digital terrestrial TV box ... it can also be installed on SeedBox. Unfortunately, it cannot be installed as a permanent service without root access.

I am using it and it works really well.

It would be interesting if they made it available as an installable and always active application.

how do you mange to install it temporary?