evadwolrab evadwolrab

Is it possible to mount OneDrive?

Posted August 9th, 2023    352   0  

I remember previously using Google Drive, but they have now changed their policy on grandfathered unlimited accounts. Kinda the final straw for me with paying for their services because they always get removed eventually. So, I'm gradually moving everything over to OneDrive. Is it possible to mount OneDrive? I vaguely remember setting the mount up in Seedbucket and then I'm able to see the mounted drive as a destination for other apps.


1 Reply


We only support Google Drive and Dropbox for rclone mount installation via seedbucket GUI.
However, we can manually mount any cloud drive of your choice (OneDrive included), you just have to send us a ticket with the working rclone configuration of that cloud drive.
For OneDrive, you can find the rclone documentation here