ISP blocking FTP/FTPES/SCP to my box
Posted November 5th, 2024
I'm trying to find a solution to this issue. I have 2 ISP's, one is used primarily for SB downloading.
I have been with for years, but I may need to switch boxes if they are doing it based on IP which appears to be the case. I can start a download eg in FileZilla but it will be slow to start, then go 18-22KB/s and then die totally. It works if I swap internet connections, but I can't use that one for big downloads.
I am able to download using HTTP in the browser, I tried a few download managers in Firefox but it just sucks. Multiple failed to complete downloads and no resume etc.
Any advice? Is it possible to try moving to a different box or are each IP tied to a given tier of service?
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