Stevens Stevens

Moving files from rutorrent to plex

Posted November 6th, 2017    2301   0  

I don't really know what I am doing, but I was following the steps to transfer files from rutorrent to my plex account and I get to the part where I need to "save to". I cannot figure out where to save the file to get it to transfer to my plex account. I am trying to do this while still seeding the file

2 Replies


when you select "save to", in the next dialog window click the 3 dots next to the folder selection, then the 2 dots at the top of the list (2 dots means "up one folder"). This should take you to /home/user/files/ in which you should see the Plex folder. Open up the Plex folder and it should contain a folders Movies, Music, and TV. Go into the folder corresponding to your media type, then select OK (you may have to click on the X beside the folder name in order to collapse the folder view and see the OK button).


is there anyway to automate this @enviroman?