dennis001 dennis001


Posted August 20th, 2018    1773   0  

Hello. I am new here. Everything is ok for dowloading and transfering files to my mac with Filezilla.
I installed Plex but I've been trying for a couple of hours to understand how to use it . I'd like to see how to stream (or view a movie) I have downloaded.
Thank your for your help.

1 Reply


After you have configured working setup(there is guide for it completely):

  1. You need to move files to default TV and movies location /home/user/files/Plex /TV or /Movies
  2. Other choice is to add new libary folder where your downloads are at in PLEX, left side of screen at Libraries TV or movies is button "..." when you hover your mouse over it. Click the ... -> edit -> add folders.

After that you see your series with tv link and movies on movies link. Those should be separated from eachother.

There is also one setting in plex(server settings) that you probably might want to enable to make sure that everything is scanned immediately:
"Scan my library automatically"

Hope this helps to go forward!