fechy fechy

Plex doesn't recognise subtitle files

Posted February 27th, 2018    1675   0   plex subtitle

Lately I found that Plex is not recognizing when a new subtitle is added.
Regardless of the filename, folder name, extension, etc. the subtitle won't be shown on Plex.

Don't know whether is a problem from Seedboxes or Plex. However, to try, I've created a Plex server locally in my computer and added it to my TV and in that case the subtitle was properly recognized and displayed.

Is there any setting, or fix, for this?

3 Replies


I'm having the same issue.

On my local plex server it works just fine and on the seedbox it seems to not reconize the subtitle files.
I checked and made sure i have the same Agents settings in both servers


Make sure to refresh the @metadata

Refresh Metadata
Refreshing Metadata for a library or individual item causes the metadata for the item to be refreshed, even if it already has metadata. You can think of refreshing as “update metadata for the requested item even if it already has some”.

You should refresh a library or individual item if:

You’ve changed options for the library Metadata Agent
You’ve added “local media assets” (such as artwork, theme music, external subtitle files, etc.)
You want to freshen the item posters, summary, etc.
There’s a problem with the poster image that’s been downloaded
Items are missing posters or other downloaded information. This is possible if the refresh process is interrupted (the server is turned off, internet connection dies, etc).

I tried refreshing the metadata several times: Tried refreshing it for the entire library. Tried refreshing it just for a single episode, just for a single season, just for a single tv show. Tried rescanning the library Tried restarting Plex via the dashboard. all of the above didn't work.

I found a solution to my problem, sharing it here in case it'll help someone else.

I wondered if perhaps Plex is matching the wrong series.
I clicked the series' 3-dots menu and chose "fix match", it showed the series' name as expected.
But then i clicked "search options" at the top and noticed it had language selected as "Dansk".

I changed the language to "English", clicked "search" and clicked the result and viola, suddenly it recognized all the subtitle files.