cyberspacer cyberspacer

Plex slow media access for friends

Posted June 11th, 2024    188   0   plex

HI! I'm just trying out and invited a friend my plex media library. I've uploaded a demo video in 1080p (H.264) which I can watch flawlessly on my devices. Even from my phone outside my home network. My friend however has to wait a long time before the video loads and then can only watch it over plex's relay server in 360p.

Is it even allowed to invite others to my seedbox? If so, how can I improve his performance. He also just tested his internet connection and it should be easily possible for him to watch in the original quality.

2 Replies

Accepted Answer

Getting high speeds doesn't necessarily mean that your friend (who obviously uses another IP from a different ISP) will also get high speeds too. His ISP might be congested or just being throttled.

Tell him to visit our speedtest tool, change the upstream and try watching the plex stream. If necessary, rinse and repeat for every single route.

Note: He doesn't have to be logged in with your credentials, just tell him to visit the page above and click the "Reroute" button at an upstream. This will force the specific IP to use another route.

If all upstreams produce buffering, tell him to run the speedtest tool and send you the link with the results. Then, open a ticket from your client area, pasting his link with the speedtest results so we can further run some tests.

As for your last question, you are the plex administrator, you can invite as many people as you want.


Thanks a lot! Changing the route worked like a charm.