d0ctorsmashking d0ctorsmashking

Seedbox Not Downloading Files Correctly

Posted February 20th, 2020    908   1   seedbox

Both rutorrent and the seedbucket torrent client say the files have completely downloaded, but when I view the file listing in seedbucket there are missing files everywhere and incomplete files for others. I've tried restarting both my seedbox and seedbucket, as well as redownloading the files and still getting the same problem. I'm not understanding why this keeps happening.

1 Reply


Your seedbox is working fine. However, we had some minor issues in our seedbucket app which caused the problem you describe above.
A new seedbucket version will be released very soon that will include this fix.

For the time being, you can go to your Settings -> Drives and at your "Local file system" choose to "Index files" -> soft-index .
This way you will be able to see your downloaded files.

Apologies for this inconvenience

thank you for the response, i hope this new version will be released sooner than later because it renders a lot of work useless until fixed.
Just for the record, we deployed two days ago the new seedbucket version (2.3.2) which addressed that issue. Thank you for your patience