nr140e nr140e

Seedbucket and google drive upload limit

Posted April 15th, 2020    1760   0   Google drive gdrive plex

Hello guys well im finally setting up my plex server to google drive, i just have one question i know google drive allows you to upload the 750gb limit per day, My question is since im just transfering from my seedbox to gdrive via seedbucket is there a limit aswell or not.

1 Reply


You are only limited by your Google drive (which as you told correctly is 750GB/day). There is no limit uploading from your seedbox to whatever drive you want, so the "bottleneck" is Google for your case.

Once you reach that limit uploading from your seedbox to your Gdrive (either by copying manually or using the automatic offload script which can be found here), you won't be able to transfer more to that Gdrive, however you can continue uploading to another cloud drive (or FTP/SFTP) or even another Google account - as we provide unlimited traffic