JonathanCharlie JonathanCharlie

Seedbucket - transferring local files to and from google drive

Posted December 14th, 2017    3678   0  

Hi there, I read that you can transfer files between local and cloud storage but I do not see the option to do so. Choosing a file and clicking move only shows options to move within the storage location the file is currently stored.

Also to repeat another user's unanswered question, can you have downloads scripted to copy over to the cloud storage after the file has been downloaded.


1 Reply


In order to copy files or folders to your Google Drive just select the file(s) you want to copy, right click on them and click on the option "Copy To".

Of course, you need to connect your Google Drive to your seedbucket first. If you do not know how then please check this guide:

As for your other question, we plan to implement this feature in one of the next major releases of Seedbucket.