jaydogg jaydogg

Sonarr, Radarr, and the 15 TB of crap already in my Gdrive

Posted October 10th, 2020    1196   0  

I'm new in town and I could use a hand. I have with prior providers begun filling my Gdrive with media and so far its about 15 TB of movies and TV, but theres a LOT of holes in the library where a season or epsisode here and there is missing. Now I know I can on;y mount the drive to stream to plex or manually copy things to, so there is no way for sonarr etc to scan the library directly. So i setup a sonarr docker and mounted the drives there and that install is scanning the library... Im going to then back up the DB and bring it over here and import it... a couple of config tweaks and I'm good to go...
HOWEVER... while sonarr 3 allows backups to be restored via the GUI, it seems that V2 lacked that option, so I just need to copy these library files into the Appdata config folder....
Which I apparently have no access to... which is a surprise and a first among seedbox providers I've tried.
I REALLLY want to make this work for me because I like everything about this host... except this one nearly impossible task that is a big deal IMO. Im tired of jumping from box to box and not being able to find a single one that does ALL the things with a minimum amount of bullshit.
I'm running out of hosts to try and I paid for 3 months upfront so.... im committed

someone has got to have found a workaround or do I just need a seperate server to host my ARR;s on that fully supports rclone?

2 Replies


Hello and welcome!
As stated at the sonarr wiki , the path of the AppData folder you are seeking is at "/home/$USER/.config/NzbDrone".

That is a hidden folder, which means that you need to either connect to your box via SFTP (not FTP or FTPS) or via SSH.
You have of course full access to it.

You can replace the database (nzbdrone.db) of seedbox's Sonarr and Radarr with your local one and restart the app. The db file is located here:

Sonarr: /home/user/.config/NzbDrone
Radarr: /home/user/.config/Radarr

I don't know if this is going to work though. Therefore, don't forget to create a backup of your seedbox's sonarr/radarr apps, in case something goes wrong (e.g. no longer able to login due to corrupted db / logs). Also, don't forget to restart the apps from your client area, after restoring the backups.

NOTE: As described at the official wiki here, restoring to an OS that uses different paths won't work. So if you have your db file in Windows, you can't transfer it to your seedbox (Linux).

If you need assistance, don't hesitate to open a support ticket from your client area.


I know this is old thread
backing up database with radarr v3 from seedboxes.cc linux and restoring to windows did work just fine where backup and restore directly from radarr got me 'Epic Fail" db message.