Echo-Kilo Echo-Kilo

Sonnar/Radarr and Google Drive

Posted July 16th, 2020    930   0   Sonnar radarr Google drive

I have seen all the previous questions and didnt feel my following question had been asked in this way and I have seen the answer and the reasoning behind it however I am perplexed by this.

Logically Sonarr and Radarr should have zero issues being connected to a google drive, they simply Search feeds, add the commands to download, move things around and rename them. As long as the Torrent client can see the google drive no seeding or download to google drive would be achievable.

If there are technical reasons behind it, then happy to understand them, but If its a business decision due to selling packages with variable tiers thats understood but falls into the above also.

so logically looking at it from the above perspective, what is the actual reasoning for Sonnar/Radarr not being able to see google drive?

2 Replies


It has to do with it not being mounted on your BOX and aswell as that it has to do with not wanting to get API bans from google and shizznez like this, use the search function since there are threads like this already.



thanks for the response, API bans are done on write not on read so as there is no writing i dont see how that affects it, its allowed for plex which is read so sonarr/radarr would be the same. again its mounted with plex so the mount would be the same. i have friends that have built their own seedboxes that dont experience API bans and as i posted in my original post, I have seen all the previous questions and didnt feel my following question had been asked in this way and I have seen the answer and the reasoning behind it however I am perplexed by this.

I do understand your point of view, it would also help out alot in my case to being able to access the mount with sonarr, since i want to migrate from sickrage but to manually add 600 shows to sonarr and not redownloading everything would be a pain. Perhaps they will fix this or let people choose what to do, i don't know what causes google bans myself nor have i gotten 1, have you tried mounting it in diffrent location using SSH ? I don't know if that will work but maybe