dpeoples83 dpeoples83

SSHFS access/setup?

Posted February 6th, 2019    3821   1   SSHFS windows

I'm trying to setup the remote path for sonarr and it looks like I need to mount the remote folder vis SSHFS, I've installed the packages and got it running but I'm still getting user/permission denied. I've validated I can SSH to the seedbox from the same vm, and the user credentials were copied directly. Is there a different port I should be using vs the ssh 41022?


6 Replies


If you are trying to mount your seedbox on another machine via SSHFS then you basically need the login credentials and port for your SSH/SFTP.

If you have trouble doing that, please open a support ticket with us, and provide more details like the command you are running to mount via sshfs and the error exactly you are receiving in order for us to tell you where the mistake is.

Please note, that in order to specify your correct ssh port, you need to use the -oport=PORT option


sshfs -oport=41022 [email protected]: local_mountpoint


sshfs -oport=41022 [email protected]: local_mountpoint ? this sounds like a very comfortable solution. The portnumber should be 41023 (in my case). Question: is the fuse filesystem reliable in linux or is it better to use the normal sftp client?


For what it's worth, sshfs has been working well for me, no issues. Not a speed daemon, but no worse than using naked sftp. sshfs is a popular fuse filesystem and I expect any significant bugs were squished long ago.


BTW, if you have the need to do the same from Windows (since you tagged this post 'windows'?) there are a couple of tools I can recommend. No asssociation with either, just a happy customer.

I've been using Expandrive for years to mount various remote storage (over either LAN or WAN) as first-class Windows filesystem objects. Great product, and I wish there were a Linux version, frankly.

Syncovery is a flexible file synchronization tool that also supports a long list of remote storage protocols. Like Expandrive, it just keeps getting better with age.


Another popular approach with Sonarr is to use a file syncronization tool like Syncthing or Resilio Sync to continuously replicate completed downloads over to your machine, and then set up Remote Path Mappings to tell Sonarr how to convert the remote path returned by the download client into a local path where it can find the file. In their infinite wisdom, the Sonarr developers think this is 'advanced', so you'll have to turn on Advanced Settings in the download client setttings to see Remote Path Mappings.

Say your completed downloads eventually land in /home/user/files/downloads/complete on your seedbox. Unless Sonar is told otherwise, it expects to find the download in the local path /home/user/files/downloads/complete/ when the download client says it's complete. Say you set up Syncthing to synchronize /home/user/files/downloads/complete/ on your seedbox with /home/seedbox/incoming on your local machine. By configuring Remote Path Mappings to map /home/user/files/downloads/complete from the download client into /home/seedbox/incoming, Sonarr will now do the substitution before it starts looking for the file, and will look in the right place locally for the downloaded file.


Thanks yall very much for the follow up! A coworker had also recommended "Expandrive" as I'm running win7 for this particular VM. I was able to get it working properly with SSH details and have the remote folder mounted as a local disk now just as I needed. I might build a linux version eventually and give sshfs another try but this will work for now.

Thanks again!